Thursday, August 29, 2013


I took a hiatus from exercising and am now getting back into my routine.

I experience burn out so taking a break helps me feel refreshed and ready to begin working towards my weight loss goal.

So, I am starting with a 1 mile aerobic walk (Leslie Sansone) with weights so I am getting strength training into my workout. Then I do 15-30 minutes of Yoga.

I am shooting for every day for a total of a 7 day week of exercising. Then once I have worked up to my usual of 4-5 miles I will go down to 4-5 times a week.

I want to start attending the meetings for weight watchers instead of just doing it online. I think the support will be beneficial. But to be honest I am struggling with going. I don't want anyone to know my weight..and I keep thinking once I hit this weight I will go..Silly? Ya, probably but it's what I'm feeling...

I need to pray more about this and just get on over myself!!
A recent picture..

Me with my baby girl Avlee


Friday, August 23, 2013

Still here!

I have been on vacation but we're home now and I am back with an update. I have lost a total of 55lbs now and all of my pregnancy weight gain!!

I tried on a pair of pre pregnancy jeans and they fit! That felt pretty good!!

I am still working on losing more and chugging along. I am hoping that by the time my baby girl is 1 I have lost all that I want and I am just maintaining.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I am learning..

Today is my weekly weigh in day and after weighing in I have discovered I have lost a total of 51lbs!!! And I have 4lbs of pregnancy weight gain left to lose. Then I plan to lose a bit more until I begin maintaining my loss.

Yesterday I went to Target and tried on clothes. It's hard for me because all I still see in the mirror so often is that person who is much bigger than I am now. So I sort of have to force myself to go smaller with my clothes sizes.

This is what I did...I took some clothes to the dressing room. A shirt and two summer dresses. I put them on and WOW!! it was then I realized how much smaller I am and how cute I looked and felt in the dresses! That's a special feeling for us ladies! feeling beautiful...every woman should feel beautiful!!

I was able to purchase a dress and pair of pants in much smaller sizes...and they were on clearance. (the best part!!)

I guess I'm's hard but I am slowly accepting that I am smaller and I have lost a lot...

One piece of clothing at a time..