Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Catching up & 60lbs gone and lost forever!!

It's been awhile since my last post. Time gets away from me!

I am still chugging along. Things are moving more slowly now that I don't have as much to lose. If I exercise 5-6 times a week I lose more. I am trying to get that many days of exercising in but life gets in the way some days and it doesn't happen.

I am so thankful for every lb gone. It's such a wonderful feeling!

To understand what one lb of fat is like pick up a lb. of butter or a 5lb bag of sugar. How about a 10lb bag of potatoes? Imagine carrying that around all day? It would certainly zap your energy very quickly!

I am thankful that the Father has given me the endurance to keep going even after bad weeks and days. I have been able to get back on that horse and ride on! I haven't quit even though I want to after I have a bad day or three.. I know I don't have that strength inside myself...I haven't been as strong in other areas. I know where that strength comes from...Him and Him alone!

My current weight loss is 60lbs gone and lost forever!!!!!!!!!!! What should my treat be?? Give me some ideas!!