Wednesday, April 22, 2015

I'm ok with it.

Well, I'm here with an update. I was down about 20 and then back up 2lbs and so forth. My body is doing the up and down dance so today it's about 20lbs gone.  I know that's not too shabby but it's coming off a bit slower this time around. I know it's because I haven't been working as hard because this time I decided to take it easier on my body. I worked myself so hard last time. I mean at about 9 weeks postpartum I was training to run a 5k and my body was paying the price. I had lost 39lbs by 4 months postpartum and 27lbs by about 9-10 weeks postpartum. I was losing weight but not gaining muscle and I was in serious pain all the time. I was pushing my body too hard and my pelvis injury was not healing well. And not too mention the love I did not have for myself or my body...I didnt feel worth it...not one bit!

So what's changed this time around is I love my body even at this weight. It's not my ideal weight but my life is good and I am a beautiful woman! I love myself enough to take it much slower, enjoy my baby, allow myself my babymoon and just love life!

And I want to lose weight but I also want to gain muscle mass not lose it as I lose fat.  I want to let my pelvis heal and not be in pain all the time!

And I find it so hard to hate on myself when my husband of 20 years is constantly telling me I'm beautiful, hot, pretty, etc.. That's what he sees when he looks at me and how can I see anything else?

So, it will all come off. 30lbs to go. In time...and I'm ok with that!!


Sunday, April 12, 2015

A before for the after...

Wanted to put a before picture here. Wish I had one from soon after birth when I began working towards getting all the pregnancy weight off but this is from today.

I weigh in again tomorrow and will update with my weight loss.

so current pic..

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Down the scale goes!!

April 12th will be my baby girl's 2 month birthday! And I am at 8 weeks postpartum; 22.4lbs down!! YAY!!

Only 30lbs to go...boy, that is kind of discouraging to me. Seems like so much! So, to keep me motivated I set little goals. Like 5% or 10% of my weight or something like 5lbs or 10lbs, etc.. I have to lose 1.4lbs and I will be at my second goal and then I'll set another one. Thinking it will be 10lbs.
Makes losing go much more quickly...well, not really but it sure does seem like it! And HEY! whatever works, right?!

I am having heart palpitations often...I believe them to be due to hormonal changes going on in my body being postpartum and also from breastfeeding. They are annoying!

Until next time!!....

Thursday, April 2, 2015

A neat website!

I found a neat website that might be beneficial for someone.

Check it out!

On my end I am down 16.8lbs as of my weigh in on Tuesday. So 36 to go! I know I have lost a lot more in the past but it seems like a huge mountain to climb...UGH! I'll do it but I know it's going to take some time and I want it right now. Guess I'm relearning patience AGAIN!

I did get in 3 days of aerobic walking last week but this week I haven't gotten it done. I suppose after last week and my pelvis injury taking a break and giving my body more time to heal postpartum is a good thing.

Until next time!