Tuesday, December 17, 2013

And the reason is.....

I decided to take a few weeks off over Thanksgiving. I did fine..I went up two and then back down two lbs depending on the day and time I weighed.

So I am back on track...mostly....and have decided to start running. It has been two weeks. The first week I ran a little over a mile 3 days. The second week I did the same but I had to walk for a minute or two..I don't understand why the 2nd week was so much harder?

I laid in bed last night thinking on all of this and do I really want to run? Is it important to me? Do I have to run to accomplish a goal I have set for myself or is it something else? I am not sure these questions have been answered.

I do know that I am stuck at 60lbs lost and my body will not budge! I know my eating could always improve and maybe that would do it?

One thing I am doing is fasting from sugar; baked goods and candy etc.. I am allowing myself honey in my tea and latte's. I usually go for sugar free with those anyway. My fast begins today!

And I am still nursing two of my babies so perhaps my body is hanging onto this weight for that reason. I haven't experienced this before so I am simply looking for any answer as to why.

I come back to the real reason I lost all that I have and am trying to lose more. Why I exercise and am doing a sugar fast. And that is because I want to be healthy! I want to be healthy for myself, my love, and my children. I want to have a long life and have it being healthy and able to enjoy it.  

And daily I remind myself, " You have come a long way baby!" 60lbs isn't too shabby!!